Looking for a way to reduce your energy consumption as well as your carbon footprint? It might be time to think about tinting your windows.
When window tinting is applied to a home or building, it provides UV protection as well as absorbing thermal heat.
When interior thermal heat is reduced, the amount of energy needed to cool a home or building is reduced in kind. Less air conditioning usage requires less energy, and less energy consumption translates to reduced emissions and air pollution.
While most environmental incentives require self-sacrifice (an important characteristic in itself), window tinting is an almost no-effort lifestyle alteration that accomplishes that results in drastic and almost instant cost reductions.
By urging environmental action that is duly financially enticing, it may be possible to encourage eco-friendly action by those who may never previously considered doing so.
Many world governments have taken note of the double benefits of window tinting.. In fact, the IRS calls for a 10 percent tax deduction (up to $500) on window tint product costs. Many international, state and local jurisdictions also provide tax incentives for tinting home (and commercial) windows.
It may be true that window tinting in itself may not be enough to save our planet on its own. But what is absolutely certain is this: Our planet is in need of environmental restoration in every facet imaginable. If tinting were to be universally adopted, consider the environmental benefit that would impart? What if we could promote 2-3 more similar activities that could be taken up to promote environmental stability?
It goes without saying that effective emission reduction can only be satisfied in the form of collective action. By pressing the incentive buttons of human behavior (such as promoting activities that entail both environmental and financial benefits), it may be possible to catch up with our goals of environmental restoration sooner than we may have thought.
Jared Diamond is a content contributor at Detail Wiz. On top of being a car aficionado, he also enjoys promoting environmental awareness. Jared also writes on topics such as window tinting prices as well as automotive technology.